Monday, July 13, 2009

our little man's furniture

If you know me, you know that I am not a last minute kind of gal and you're not surprised to find out that Connar's furniture is now sitting in his room, set up, and ready to be dressed with cute bedding. That's right folks, Talton and I bought Connar's bed and dresser this past weekend and set it up. (I know it might seem a little early to have this accomplished already, but I have time to do it right now during summer break and once school starts back up in a month I'll be super busy. Also, within the two months or so after school starts, my sister will be getting married and Connar will make his debut. It's about to get really busy around here!) We thought about not setting it up until after we painted in a couple weeks, but we just couldn't resist the urge to tear open the boxes and put it all together once it was home. It is gorgeous! Talton did a great job assembling it....I'm such a lucky girl to have such a handy husband. He's always willing and ready to get his hands dirty for me. I love him so much! Connar will be one lucky little boy to have such a great daddy.

Also coming in the next week or two: a glider (I can't wait to read to Connar in such a comfy spot!) and Connar's bedding (so stinkin' cute!). Once that gets here, we'll be painting his room, and it will all come together.

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