* He weighs 12 lbs. 9 oz..
* He is 24 inches long.
* He recognizes Talton and I--both our faces and our voices (which is just amazing to me...I love when he sees me and gets so excited that he pumps his legs and waves his arms!).
* He loves to be in the swing (and it's a life saver to us when we want more than 37 seconds to eat a meal) and often falls asleep in there.
* He is lifting his head for longer periods of time.
* He is sleeping between 4 1/2 - 6 hours at night for the most part.
* He coos every now and then.
* He has discovered his hand and that if he pulls it toward his face, it fits perfectly in his mouth.
* He loves to stare at the colors and pirate character on the bumper in his bed and gets pretty excited when we lay him in the bed to have his diaper changed.
Connar is such a happy baby. Really, he smiles all the time! Talton and I feel very blessed that our baby is healthy and happy. He is our world! I'm sure Connar thinks his mommy is some crazy lady who is constantly taking pictures of him, but I know that he changes every day and I don't want to miss a thing. Many years from now, we'll be able to look back on all these pictures and have such fond memories. Here are a few of my favorites that I've taken of him recently.
His 1st Christmas Day picture
Looking cool with his sunglasses that were in his stocking
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this picture!!!!!!!
Connar supported the Texans every Sunday. He even wore black stickers under his eyes for the last game to look like a real football player.
Isn't he just adorable?!!!!!!
Look at how strong he's getting with holding his head up!
I am soooooooooo lucky to be this little guy's mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!