Connar James Endres was born on Monday, November 2, 2009 at 12:53 p.m.. He was 19 1/2 inches long and weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces. He is absolutely perfect! Talton and I feel so blessed that God chose us to be his parents. I was to be induced on the following day, but Connar had plans of his own. That was fine by us, because we were so ready to finally meet our little boy face to face.
It all started on the night of Sunday, November 1 when my water broke around 6:15 p.m.. Talton and I were preparing to leave to go out to eat when I felt a gush of water all of a sudden. Knowing that this was not a false alarm, we both took the fastest showers of our lives (I had to be clean knowing that all kinds of people were going to be in my business very soon), packed our bags in the car, and walked out of our house for the last time as a family of two. We were at the hospital by 7:00 when I was between 1-2 centimeters dilated. In hopes that I could hold off on delivering Connar before my doctor got in the office the next morning, the nurse suggested that I either take a sleeping pill or go ahead and get the epidural to help me sleep through the I got the epidural later that evening. Around 7:00 the next morning they began giving me pitocin to make me progress faster. That worked like magic! It wasn't too long before my contractions were more regular, and then the immense pressure began. After a few hours passed, I was laid on my side to help me dilate the rest of the way from where I was, and I really wanted to push at that point. The nurse wouldn't let me push, because I wasn't dilated to 10 centimeters yet so I had to tough it out for a bit longer.....I was awake for a contraction and then would fall asleep for one minute until the next contraction when I would wake up, and I just continued like that until my doctor came in and said it was time to push....FINALLY! I pushed for about 4 pushes and then he was here! Seeing Connar being laid on my stomach and touching him for the first time was the most incredible feeling that I've ever felt. There are no words to describe what it was like to finally see him and kiss him. I told him I loved him, and that his daddy and I had waited so long for him. After getting cleaned up, the nurses and doctor left Talton and I to be alone with Connar for a short time before any family was allowed in. Having that special time with just the 3 of us was priceless. I'll never forget holding Connar and looking at Talton for the first time as a daddy. That is definitely one of my favorite moments of my life.
Needless to say, Connar had MANY visitors on his first day of life. He has been loved on and snuggled with so much over the past few weeks. What a lucky little boy! Or maybe I should say what a lucky mommy I am to get to take care of him every day. Even in the middle of the night when I'm tired and he wakes up to eat and be changed, I can't help but think about how completely overwhelmed I am with this selfless, unwavering, unconditional love for this little human being that Talton and I made. He is our world....and we wouldn't have it any other way.
Here are some pictures from the past few weeks of Connar's life:
The last tummy picture
As soon as Connar was born and placed on my chest
Mr. Amazing!!!
our sweet boy sound asleep
Connar and Daddy sleeping
1st bath
What a darling smile!
our little monkey
hanging out with Daddy
geared up in Texans outfit for Sunday football
I could kiss those cheeks all day long!
Connar's 1st Thanksgiving
I love this face!
kisses for Mommy
sleepy baby